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Cyber Human Systems takes center stage at cutting-edge defense tech event

In a resounding triumph for innovation and advancement in military technology, Cyber Human Systems made an indelible mark at the "Human-Machine Interfaces and Gaming Technologies in Defence" event, a groundbreaking gathering held on September 26th and 27th in the vibrant city of Zagreb, Croatia. This landmark event, co-organized by the Croatian Defense Industry Competitiveness Cluster and the European Commission, is set to reshape the landscape of military technology as we know it.

Leading the Way with GUDEX Exoskeleton

At this pivotal assembly of minds, Cyber Human Systems took center stage during a pivotal panel discussion, where we unveiled our groundbreaking creation – the GUDEX exoskeleton. A true game-changer in military technology, GUDEX represents a giant leap forward, purposefully designed to cater to the specific needs of Spain's Ministry of Defence (Ministerio de Defensa) for Force 2035. This robotic, modular, and intelligent exoskeleton has been meticulously engineered to mitigate the risk of muscular injuries associated with military duties. Beyond injury prevention, GUDEX enhances the physical capabilities of our courageous servicemen and women, making it an indispensable asset for the future of European defense.

Spectacular Live Demonstrations

But our contributions didn't stop at the panel discussion. Cyber Human Systems also played a prominent role in awe-inspiring live demonstrations that showcased the latest in human-machine interface technologies and gaming innovations. These demonstrations featured an impressive array of cutting-edge advancements, including robotic vehicles, exoskeletons, drones, and much more.

The Significance of Digital Technologies in Defense

The event served as an exemplary platform to examine the effective integration of digital technologies in defense and their potential advantages on the battlefield. A particular emphasis was placed on human-machine interfaces and gaming technologies, which hold paramount importance for military simulations and training. The event underscored the significance of dual-use technologies, which have applications extending to both security and defense sectors.

Leaders in European Military Technology

Our participation in these influential discussions and live demonstrations solidifies our standing as leaders in European military technology. At Cyber Human Systems, our commitment to innovation within the domain of human-machine interfaces remains unwavering. GUDEX, in particular, serves as a tangible testament to our dedication to enhancing the safety and efficiency of armed forces across Europe.

A Bright Future: The ACHILE Project

But the story doesn't end here. We are thrilled to announce our involvement in the ACHILE project, funded by the European Defence Fund. This venture positions us as key contributors to the development of the future combat exoskeleton for the European Union, heralding a fresh milestone in European defense and further cementing our status as frontrunners in military technology.

Committed to a Bright Future

Our determination to forge ahead with our mission to infuse innovation into defense remains steadfast. We are brimming with excitement about the thrilling prospects the future holds. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support on this exhilarating journey. Stay tuned for more updates on our endeavors in #MilitaryTechnology, #Innovation, #ProjectACHILE, and #GUDEX! With Cyber Human Systems at the forefront, the future of European defense looks brighter than ever. #CyberHumanSystems #EU


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