Optimizing the Forest Industry: CHS Exoskeletons for a Sustainable Future

In a world facing increasingly urgent challenges in terms of sustainability and workplace safety, innovation becomes a crucial catalyst for progress. In this context, Cyber Human Systems is pleased to present the "Forest Exoskeletons" project, an initiative led by HAZI and supported by the European Union's Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan - NextGenerationEU. This flagship project aims to revolutionize forestry work through the integration of cutting-edge technology: exoskeletons.
What is the "Forest Exoskeletons" project?
The "Forest Exoskeletons" project emerges as an innovative response to the challenges faced by the forestry sector in terms of safety and labor efficiency. In collaboration with HAZI, an entity of the Basque Government dedicated to the development of the food and forestry value chain, this project aims to evaluate, improve, and develop exoskeletons specifically designed for forestry tasks.

Project Objectives:
1. Ergonomic Evaluation: The first step of the project involves conducting a thorough ergonomic evaluation of common tasks in the forestry field, such as cutting, cleaning, clearing, and shredding. In this initial trial, our lumbar and arm support exoskeleton, EXOARMS, has been utilized.
2. Existing Exoskeleton Testing: Tests will be carried out on exoskeletons already available in the market to understand their effectiveness and potential areas for improvement.
3. Development of Specific Modular Exoskeleton: Based on the results of the ergonomic evaluation and field tests, a modular exoskeleton specifically tailored to the needs of the forestry sector will be designed and developed.

Expected Benefits:
- Reduction of Occupational Risks: Exoskeletons provide physical support, reducing fatigue and minimizing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries in forestry workers.
- Increase in Efficiency: By providing assistance in physically demanding tasks, an increase in productivity and efficiency in forestry work is expected.
- Environmental Sustainability: By improving working conditions and efficiency in forestry work, the project will contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources and the conservation of the environment.
Financial Support:
This project is financially supported by the European Union's Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan - NextGenerationEU. Additionally, we receive support from the relevant Ministry and the Basque Government, who recognize the strategic importance of this initiative for sustainable development and innovation in the forestry sector.
In summary, the "Forest Exoskeletons" project represents a bold step towards a safer, more efficient, and sustainable future for the forestry industry. Through collaboration among key stakeholders, the application of advanced technology, and the support of European funds, we are transforming the way work is carried out in forests, laying the groundwork for a more promising and resilient tomorrow.
