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  • September Events Calendar: Try Our Exoskeletons!

    At Cyber Human Systems, we are excited to participate in a series of key events this September. We invite you to discover and try our exoskeleton technology, which is revolutionizing safety and efficiency in various work environments. Come and experience the future of work! September Events: September 13, Santander - Cantabria Emergencies Meeting 2024 September 17 - 19, Alcoy - CBRN Military Congress September 19 - 20, Gijón - Ergonomics Congress September 24 - 25, Burgos - Burgos Industry 4.0 Technology Meeting At each of these events, we will be showcasing live demonstrations and simulations in real work environments. You will have the opportunity to try our state-of-the-art exoskeletons and see how they can improve ergonomics, safety, and productivity in your company. Why Attend? Our exoskeletons provide innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs of different sectors, from industry to defense and safety. This is your chance to see them in action, ask questions to our experts, and explore how our technology can be a game-changer for your organization. Don’t Get Left Behind! The future of work is now, and incorporating exoskeletons is a crucial step to stay ahead. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore these innovations in person. We look forward to seeing you at these events for a unique and innovative experience! Stay tuned to our social media for more details on each event. See you there!

  • Innovation and Strategic Collaborations: Cyber Human Systems at Eurosatory

    Within the framework of Eurosatory, the international defence exhibition held in Paris, the industrial and defence exoskeleton unit of Gogoa Mobility Robots made a noteworthy appearance. Although we did not participate as exhibitors, our visit was focused on establishing valuable contacts and sharing our experiences and knowledge in the development of exoskeletons for military applications, as well as opening a promising line of collaboration with Mawashi. Exploring Strategic Collaborations During our visit to Eurosatory, we had the opportunity to engage with various industry stakeholders, including Mawashi, a Canadian company renowned for its military exoskeletons. Despite our differing approaches, with GUDEX from Cyber Human Systems focusing on weight unloading during long marches and Mawashi aiming to support the protective gear of security forces during special interventions, we identified common ground for potential future collaboration. This synergy could result in more comprehensive and advanced solutions for military needs. Eurosatory: A Hub of Innovation in Defence Eurosatory has established itself as the premier exhibition in the defence sector, bringing together companies and professionals from around the globe to present and discuss the latest technological innovations. For Cyber Human Systems, this fair has served as an ideal platform to gain firsthand insight into emerging trends and the newest advancements in exoskeletons and other defence-related technologies. Networking and Collaborations at Eurosatory A highlight of our visit was the opportunity to strengthen relationships with strategic partners and establish new connections that could be vital for future projects. At Eurosatory, we shared our experiences in developing exoskeletons and discussed potential collaborations that could lead to the creation of more efficient and secure technological solutions for the military sector. Presence of ACHILE Project Partners During the exhibition, we also had the pleasure of meeting some of our partners involved in the ACHILE Project. This initiative, backed by the European Defence Fund, aims to revolutionise the equipment of European soldiers through the development of advanced technologies such as exoskeletons. Although our presence at Eurosatory was not focused on this project, it was an excellent opportunity to discuss progress and strengthen synergies around this ambitious initiative. The Future of Exoskeletons in Defence Participation in Eurosatory has afforded us a clearer vision of the directions in which the defence industry is moving and how we can significantly contribute through our innovations in exoskeletons. Collaborating with companies like Mawashi and participating in European projects such as ACHILE position us favourably to face future challenges and offer high-tech solutions that enhance the operational capability of soldiers. Conclusion The visit by Gogoa Mobility Robots to Eurosatory has been an enriching experience, enabling us to establish strategic contacts and explore new opportunities for collaboration. Through our interactions and discussions, we have reaffirmed our commitment to innovation and the continuous improvement of military capabilities. Eurosatory has undoubtedly been a hub of knowledge and innovation, and we are excited about the possibilities it presents for the future of defence equipment. Our industrial and defence exoskeleton unit, Cyber Human Systems, will continue to closely follow these developments and keep our readers informed about the latest trends and innovations in the field of cyber and human systems, ensuring they are always abreast of the most relevant advancements in this dynamic sector. - Cyber Human Systems Eurosatory

  • Reducing Sick Leaves: The Importance of Human-Technology Integration with Exoskeletons

    Recently, we came across an article in the esteemed Deia newspaper highlighting an issue that continues to concern many in the labor sphere: sick leaves. According to data provided by the employers' association of accident mutuals (AMAT), in Euskadi, the average duration of sick leaves rose to 43 days in 2023, a 6.7% increase from the previous year. These figures not only pose a challenge to companies' productivity but also significantly impact the health and well-being of workers, as well as the future of their careers. The report reveals that the economic cost of sick leaves in Euskadi reached €502 million in benefits and €404 million directly for companies. Moreover, the 6.4% increase in initiated processes compared to the previous year reflects a worrying trend that we cannot overlook. How can we effectively address this issue that affects so many aspects of our society? At Cyber Human Systems (CHS), we firmly believe that integrating advanced technology with human labor is key to tackling this challenge effectively. Our products represent some of the best solutions available in the current market to address this problem. Why should you consider integrating these tools into your daily work environment? First and foremost, our solutions are designed with the health and well-being of workers in mind. From ergonomic exoskeletons to real-time health monitoring systems, we offer a range of products that can help prevent workplace injuries and reduce the risk of accidents. By incorporating innovative technology into the workplace, we are not only protecting employees' health but also ensuring a safer and more productive work environment. Furthermore, implementing technology in the workplace can have long-term benefits for both employees and companies. Reducing downtime due to work-related injuries or illnesses not only increases productivity but also improves employee satisfaction and morale. Additionally, by minimizing the costs associated with sick leaves, companies can reinvest those resources in initiatives that drive growth and innovation. AMAT's proposal to allow mutuals to provide comprehensive healthcare and issue medical discharges in cases of temporary incapacity is a step in the right direction. However, we believe that the real solution lies in combining technological interventions with human-centered approaches. By doing so, we can not only reduce waiting lists in public healthcare and save unnecessary costs but also improve the quality of life for workers and ensure a more prosperous and sustainable work future for all. In summary, saying yes to human-technology integration is saying yes to a future where workers can age in good health and finish their workday without pain or worries. At CHS, as a spin-off of the industry leader GOGOA, we are committed to continuing to develop innovative solutions that promote a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for all. It's time to embrace the transformative potential of technology and work together to build a future where workers' well-being is a fundamental priority.

  • Optimizing the Forest Industry: CHS Exoskeletons for a Sustainable Future

    In a world facing increasingly urgent challenges in terms of sustainability and workplace safety, innovation becomes a crucial catalyst for progress. In this context, Cyber Human Systems is pleased to present the "Forest Exoskeletons" project, an initiative led by HAZI and supported by the European Union's Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan - NextGenerationEU. This flagship project aims to revolutionize forestry work through the integration of cutting-edge technology: exoskeletons. What is the "Forest Exoskeletons" project? The "Forest Exoskeletons" project emerges as an innovative response to the challenges faced by the forestry sector in terms of safety and labor efficiency. In collaboration with HAZI, an entity of the Basque Government dedicated to the development of the food and forestry value chain, this project aims to evaluate, improve, and develop exoskeletons specifically designed for forestry tasks. Project Objectives: 1. Ergonomic Evaluation: The first step of the project involves conducting a thorough ergonomic evaluation of common tasks in the forestry field, such as cutting, cleaning, clearing, and shredding. In this initial trial, our lumbar and arm support exoskeleton, EXOARMS, has been utilized. 2. Existing Exoskeleton Testing: Tests will be carried out on exoskeletons already available in the market to understand their effectiveness and potential areas for improvement. 3. Development of Specific Modular Exoskeleton: Based on the results of the ergonomic evaluation and field tests, a modular exoskeleton specifically tailored to the needs of the forestry sector will be designed and developed. Expected Benefits: - Reduction of Occupational Risks: Exoskeletons provide physical support, reducing fatigue and minimizing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries in forestry workers. - Increase in Efficiency: By providing assistance in physically demanding tasks, an increase in productivity and efficiency in forestry work is expected. - Environmental Sustainability: By improving working conditions and efficiency in forestry work, the project will contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources and the conservation of the environment. Financial Support: This project is financially supported by the European Union's Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan - NextGenerationEU. Additionally, we receive support from the relevant Ministry and the Basque Government, who recognize the strategic importance of this initiative for sustainable development and innovation in the forestry sector. In summary, the "Forest Exoskeletons" project represents a bold step towards a safer, more efficient, and sustainable future for the forestry industry. Through collaboration among key stakeholders, the application of advanced technology, and the support of European funds, we are transforming the way work is carried out in forests, laying the groundwork for a more promising and resilient tomorrow.

  • Maximizing Work Efficiency with Exoskeletons: A Comprehensive Analysis

    In the ever-evolving landscape of workplace technology, exoskeletons have emerged as an innovative solution to enhance the health and efficiency of workers in physically demanding environments. Specifically, their ability to reduce fatigue, mitigate the risk of injuries, and enhance work quality has sparked considerable interest across various industries. However, accurately and objectively measuring the benefits these devices bring to workers has been a key challenge. How can we effectively evaluate the impact of exoskeletons on labor performance? To address this issue, we have conducted a comprehensive study evaluating multiple parameters related to fatigue and job performance in a common lifting scenario. Over a continuous period of 10 minutes, participants performed the task of lifting objects from the ground to a table, at a height of 80 cm, while comparing conditions with and without exoskeleton use. The results yielded valuable insights into the tangible benefits these devices can offer to workers. Blood lactate measurement: This key indicator of physical exertion revealed significant differences between conditions with and without exoskeletons. The reduction in blood lactate levels during exoskeleton use suggests a decrease in muscular workload and, therefore, less perceived fatigue by the worker. Electromyography (EMG) of muscle activation: Although no significant variations in muscle activation were observed when directly comparing exoskeleton use with unloaded conditions, it's important to consider the reference of muscle activation during unloaded movement as a basis for comparison. Additionally, difficulty in measuring muscle activation in specific areas, such as the glutes, was noted, limiting the comprehensive evaluation of certain muscle groups. Borg Scale: The worker's subjective perception of effort, measured through the Borg Scale, largely coincided with the objective results of blood lactate measurement. This finding underscores the importance of considering the subjective factor in evaluating job performance with and without exoskeletons. Heart rate and exercise cadence maintenance: The difference in heart rate between conditions with and without exoskeletons provides an additional indication of the physiological impact of using these devices. Furthermore, it was observed that workers could maintain a more consistent exercise cadence for longer periods when using exoskeletons, suggesting greater physical endurance and less muscle fatigue. Movement ergonomics: One of the most prominent benefits of exoskeleton use was the improvement in movement ergonomics during lifting tasks. By promoting better posture and a more efficient distribution of bodily forces, these devices help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and enhance workplace safety. In conclusion, the implementation of exoskeletons in work environments can have a significant impact on reducing fatigue, injury risk, and improving job performance. By combining objective data with the worker's subjective perception, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the benefits these devices bring to the workforce. This study underscores the importance of adopting a holistic approach to evaluating the impact of technology in the workplace, with the ultimate goal of improving the health, safety, and efficiency of workers worldwide.

  • Enhancing Lives, Safeguarding Livelihoods: Exoskeletons as Allies on World Day for Safety and Health at Work

    On this April 28th, we join the world in commemorating World Day for Safety and Health at Work, a day that reminds us of the importance of protecting workers and promoting safe and healthy workplaces. At Cyber Human Systems, this day holds special significance as we've had the privilege of being allies to countless workers, helping them improve their quality of life and safeguard the jobs they perform. Over the past year, we've worked hand in hand with workers from various sectors, from construction to logistics, offering innovative solutions to address ergonomic challenges and the inherent risks in their daily activities. Each worker we've had the honor to assist is a living testament to our commitment to their well-being and safety. Exoskeletons have been one of our most powerful tools in this mission. These biomechanical devices not only provide physical support and reduce the strain on the body but also empower workers, enabling them to perform tasks more efficiently and with less risk of injury. From lifting heavy loads to maintaining an upright posture for extended periods, our exoskeletons have been a source of relief and protection for those facing physical challenges in the workplace. Each success story, each worker who has experienced an improvement in their quality of life thanks to our exoskeletons, is a reminder of why we do what we do. Our goal goes beyond merely providing technology; it's about making a tangible difference in people's lives and the future of work. On this special day, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all the workers who have entrusted us to improve their quality of life and safeguard the jobs they perform. Your dedication and determination are our greatest inspiration and drive us to continue innovating and working tirelessly to build a safer, healthier, and more humane world of work for all. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey towards a better future of work! The Cyber Human Systems Team

  • Cyber Human Systems at Advanced Factories 2024 Fair - Barcelona

    Greetings from the hub of innovation for Industry 4.0 in Barcelona! We are thrilled to announce that Cyber Human Systems is participating in the Advanced Factories 2024 Exhibition in collaboration with one of our distinguished Catalan distributors, Invelon. You will find us at Stand D520, poised to showcase our groundbreaking solutions for the industry: Industrial Exoskeletons. Advanced Factories, held at the renowned Fira Barcelona venue on Gran Vía, serves as a platform that brings together over 500 leading firms in industrial technology. From automation to artificial intelligence, from robotics to cybersecurity, this event is the rendezvous for the most cutting-edge advancements driving competitiveness in production centers worldwide. As protagonists in this Industry 4.0 congress, we are committed to offering solutions that not only transform the way work is done but also enhance the safety and well-being of workers. Our Industrial Exoskeletons represent the forefront of worker technology, providing a range of key benefits: Reduction of absenteeism: Thanks to their ergonomic design and ability to reduce fatigue, our exoskeletons help prevent injuries and accidents in the workplace, resulting in fewer absences and greater production continuity. Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders: With functionalities designed to support and strengthen the user's musculature, our exoskeletons help prevent muscular and joint injuries, contributing to a safer and healthier work environment. Enhancement of human capabilities: By integrating advanced technology with human potential, our exoskeletons extend the physical capabilities of workers, enabling them to perform more demanding tasks more efficiently and safely. At Advanced Factories 2024, we are not only showcasing our innovative solutions but also immersing ourselves in the exchange of knowledge and experiences with top international experts. We are analyzing the impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and digital twinning, and exploring the trends and future applications that are shaping the future of the industrial sector. If you are in Barcelona, we invite you to visit our stand, D520, and discover how Cyber Human Systems' Industrial Exoskeletons are driving the evolution towards a safer, more efficient, and human-centric future in the industry. We look forward to welcoming you to share this exciting day of innovation and progress together!

  • GAIA: Advancing in Comprehensive Forest Fire Management

    In a collaborative effort to tackle one of the most pressing challenges of our time, Madrid set the stage for the kickoff of the GAIA project. Hosted at the facilities of FECSA - SPANISH FACTORY OF CLOTHING in early February, this event marked the beginning of an ambitious mission: comprehensive management for the prevention, extinction, and reforestation of forest fires. GAIA is not just a project; it is a joint commitment backed by the Center for Industrial Technological Development and the State Research Agency, under the Transmissions 2023 program. With a bold focus on technological innovation, GAIA aims to drive advanced systems to combat and prevent forest fires, harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. The main goal of GAIA is to radically transform the way we approach forest fires. To achieve this, a multifaceted strategy is proposed that encompasses early detection, rapid response, and post-fire rehabilitation. The key lies in the development and implementation of cutting-edge technologies, such as intelligent autonomous systems, sensor integration into firefighter equipment, embedded systems, artificial intelligence, and command and control centers. The consortium behind GAIA is a blend of expertise and knowledge, composed of 10 partners including companies, technological centers, and universities. From leaders in computer consulting such as CIC Consulting Informático, to pioneers in mobility robotics like Gogoa Mobility Robots; from experts in aerospace technologies like the Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies (CATEC), to renowned academic institutions like the University Rey Juan Carlos and GIDAI-UC. All united by a common goal: to confront the forest fire crisis with determination and foresight. GAIA is not just a research project; it is a long-term commitment. It will extend until the end of December 2026, with a focus on achieving significant advances in forest fire management and laying the groundwork for a more resilient and sustainable future. At a time when environmental challenges require bold and collaborative responses, GAIA represents a ray of hope. It is the result of joint work, technological innovation, and commitment to protecting our natural environment. With GAIA, we are not only addressing forest fires; we are building a future where intelligence and technology work in harmony with nature. The GAIA project has begun! Follow us on this exciting journey towards a safer and more sustainable world. #GAIAProject #FireManagement #ArtificialIntelligence #RecoveryPlan #NextGenerationEU

  • Discover the Future of Workplace Safety at SICUR 2024 with Cyber Human Systems Exoskeletons!

    We are thrilled to announce our first-time participation in SICUR, the leading event in comprehensive security, taking place at IFEMA Madrid from February 27th to March 1st, 2024. For us at Cyber Human Systems, this is an exciting opportunity to showcase our latest innovations in the field of industrial exoskeletons and to share our insights into the transformative impact of technology on workplace safety and health. Cyber Human Systems has emerged as the sole Spanish company dedicated to the design and development of exoskeletons, and we are committed to creating solutions that enhance workers' quality of life and reduce occupational hazards. Our expertise in robotics and biomedical engineering has enabled us to lead the way in creating assistive devices that extend human capabilities and promote a safer and healthier work environment. At SICUR 2024, we will be introducing two of our latest innovations: MonitoreX and ExoRescue. MonitoreX: In collaboration with the CEIT technological center and funded by the European Commission, MonitoreX is a groundbreaking project designed to address musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace. This software allows us to analyze the ergonomic and physiological behavior of workers using exoskeletons, enabling us to optimize the design of our devices to ensure effective and safe support. ExoRescue: Our latest mechanical exoskeleton model has been specifically developed to assist emergency services in rescue and salvage tasks. With a highly flexible modular design and advanced high-quality materials, ExoRescue facilitates the lifting and transportation of casualties, as well as the removal of debris in disaster or accident areas. This device represents a significant advancement in emergency response capability, enhancing the efficiency and safety of rescue teams. Additionally, we are excited to announce our participation in the EXO CORNER, a new section in collaboration with the Institute of Biomechanics (IBV) that explores the role of exoskeletons in workplace safety and health. In this space, we will share our knowledge and experience through live demonstrations, informative talks, and interactive activities. Don't miss our recurring presentation throughout the fair: "Body-Exoskeleton Fusion: Artificial Muscles in Action | Cyber Human Systems." This presentation will provide a deep insight into how our exoskeletons are transforming the way we work and live, with practical demonstrations and discussions on the future of assistive technology. Join us at SICUR 2024 and discover the exciting world of industrial exoskeletons. We look forward to welcoming you to our booth to exchange ideas, explore new possibilities, and be part of the technological revolution in workplace safety!

  • Progress in the Development of the EU's Future Combat Exoskeleton: Project ACHILE

    Greetings to the followers of Cyber Human Systems! We are delighted to share the latest updates on the progress of the European Union's combat exoskeleton within the framework of the ACHILE project (Augmented Capability for High-End Soldiers). On January 30th and 31st, Bilbao witnessed a pivotal strategic meeting organized by Cyber Human Systems, the spin-off of Cyber Human Systems S.L. Here, the minds behind Task T6.6 Physical Augmentation of ACHILE delved into the in-depth analysis of the architecture and design of the future military exoskeleton. This event brought together representatives from leading companies such as Safran Electronics & Defense, Beretta, STAM, Exoframe, and, of course, the Cyber Human Systems team. Cutting-Edge Mobility One of the highlights of the ACHILE project is its innovative focus on mobility. The exoskeleton aims not only to enhance physical endurance but also to provide agile and efficient mobility across diverse terrains. The ability to move without restrictions is crucial on the battlefield, and ACHILE is poised to be a game-changer in this regard. Adaptive Ergonomics Ergonomics plays a crucial role in the performance and comfort of any device, especially in a military context. Developers are working diligently to ensure that ACHILE's exoskeleton fits seamlessly to the user's body, optimizing comfort and reducing fatigue. Adaptive ergonomics are key to allowing soldiers to focus on the mission without distractions. Enhanced Survival In combat situations, survival is paramount. ACHILE incorporates innovative features that enhance soldiers' survival capabilities. From early warning systems to advanced protection mechanisms, the exoskeleton is designed to provide soldiers with a crucial tactical advantage on the battlefield. This project, backed by the European Defense Fund, represents a significant milestone in the pursuit of cutting-edge technologies that strengthen the European Union's position in the defense sector. We look forward to closely following the progress of ACHILE and witnessing how this transformative technology will redefine the role and capabilities of future soldiers. Stay tuned to Cyber Human Systems for exclusive updates on this exciting project and other innovative developments in the world of cyber technology and military robotics. The future is here, and it is taking shape in ACHILE!

  • Exoskeletons in Action! Cyber Human Systems Leaves its Mark in 2023

    Happy New Year to all our dear readers from Cyber Human Systems! As we bid farewell to 2023, we want to take a moment to reflect on the exciting milestones we've achieved together. It has been a year filled with innovation, collaboration, and significant advances in the exoskeleton and applied technology industry. Join us on this journey through Cyber Human Systems' highlights from the past year: Portugal Tour: We kicked off the year by expanding our horizons with the Portugal Tour, bringing our exoskeletons to our neighboring country. Thanks to our collaboration with AEBB, we introduced our products to the Portuguese market, promoting the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and enhancing human capabilities. MonitoreX: We introduced MonitoreX, an innovative system resulting from collaboration with CEIT. This system revolutionizes workplace ergonomics assessment, providing detailed analysis of occupational biomechanics and suggesting improvements to optimize health and performance at work. Revolution in French Agriculture: Our exoskeletons have made their way into French agriculture, marking a significant revolution in the oyster farming sector. Collaboration with HBR Innovation and coverage on TF1 highlighted the transformative impact of ExoSoft, alleviating physical strain and improving efficiency in daily work. Ibero-American Congress on Occupational Safety: We participated in the Prevencia 2023 Congress in Santiago de Compostela, emphasizing our dedication to safety and health in the workplace. Project ACHILE: European Combat Exoskeleton: We embarked on Project ACHILE, developing the future exoskeleton for EU combat. This military sector initiative aims to advance technology and contribute to European defense. Scientific Study of ExoSoft: We shared the results of the scientific study within the framework of the EXOSASUN project, demonstrating the effectiveness of ExoSoft in reducing muscular activity and improving safety and efficiency at work. ExoRescue, Innovative Exoskeleton for Rescue and Emergency Teams: We led the design and development of the full-body modular exoskeleton under the ExoRescue project, collaborating with international institutions to enhance the performance of rescue services in critical situations. Exoskeletons in Construction, BIMTECNIA Congress: We presented our exoskeleton solutions at BIMTECNIA 2023, focusing on improving the safety and well-being of construction workers. GUDEX: Spanish Combat Exoskeleton: At the DESEi+d Congress, we introduced GUDEX, our latest achievement in military technology. This exoskeleton redefines the mobility and endurance of military personnel, standing out for its artificial muscles and complete integration. Project GAIA: Support Exoskeleton for Firefighting and Reforestation: We announced our flagship project, GAIA, backed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. This ambitious project aims to revolutionize the prevention, extinguishing, and reforestation of forest fires through advanced technologies. At Cyber Human Systems, we take pride in being part of these achievements and are excited about what the future holds. We thank our partners, clients, and followers for their continuous support. May 2024 be a year filled with more innovation, collaboration, and success for everyone! Happy New Year! The Cyber Human Systems Team - Cyber Human Systems Leaves its Mark 2023"

  • Exoskeletons for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders: Cyber Human Systems Commitment

    In today's dynamic work environment, new challenges have emerged, including the rise of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). At Cyber Human Systems, we embark on a mission to address this issue innovatively, providing solutions that go beyond traditional occupational disease prevention. The Dilemma of Musculoskeletal Disorders We live in an era where technology advances rapidly, transforming the way we work significantly. MSDs have become a growing concern, affecting those engaged in repetitive movements or spending extended hours in front of computers. Instead of merely addressing symptoms, at Cyber Human Systems, we focus on changing the narrative and offering proactive solutions. Exoskeletons: More than a Response, a Revolution Our exoskeletons are not just devices; they represent a revolution in how we approach occupational challenges. Designed with cutting-edge technology, these devices not only assist in physical tasks but also integrate as an essential part of a broader preventive strategy. We aim for workers to feel not only physically supported but also empowered in their occupational health. Impact Stories Across Various Sectors The versatility of our exoskeletons has led to their implementation in various sectors, from manufacturing to logistics and construction. We share real stories of workers who have experienced tangible improvements in their well-being due to the implementation of this innovative technology. At Cyber Human Systems, we believe in humanizing technology to enhance the quality of life at work. Beyond the Company: Contributions to Cutting-edge Projects While we are committed to improving the work environment, we also engage in significant projects that extend beyond corporate boundaries. From developing combat exoskeletons for the European Union to contributing to defense projects in Spain, we are taking technology to the next level to benefit society as a whole. A Future Work Environment Focused on Health and Empowerment In conclusion, at Cyber Human Systems, we are committed to changing the narrative surrounding MSDs. We aim to offer more than a solution; we want to be part of the evolution towards a work future centered on health and empowerment. We invite you to explore more about this perspective and discover how we are transforming the way we face occupational challenges. Read the full story here and join the conversation about a healthier and more sustainable work future! #OccupationalHealth #BusinessInnovation 🌐💼✨

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