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  • Exoskeletons for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders: Cyber Human Systems Commitment

    In today's dynamic work environment, new challenges have emerged, including the rise of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). At Cyber Human Systems, we embark on a mission to address this issue innovatively, providing solutions that go beyond traditional occupational disease prevention. The Dilemma of Musculoskeletal Disorders We live in an era where technology advances rapidly, transforming the way we work significantly. MSDs have become a growing concern, affecting those engaged in repetitive movements or spending extended hours in front of computers. Instead of merely addressing symptoms, at Cyber Human Systems, we focus on changing the narrative and offering proactive solutions. Exoskeletons: More than a Response, a Revolution Our exoskeletons are not just devices; they represent a revolution in how we approach occupational challenges. Designed with cutting-edge technology, these devices not only assist in physical tasks but also integrate as an essential part of a broader preventive strategy. We aim for workers to feel not only physically supported but also empowered in their occupational health. Impact Stories Across Various Sectors The versatility of our exoskeletons has led to their implementation in various sectors, from manufacturing to logistics and construction. We share real stories of workers who have experienced tangible improvements in their well-being due to the implementation of this innovative technology. At Cyber Human Systems, we believe in humanizing technology to enhance the quality of life at work. Beyond the Company: Contributions to Cutting-edge Projects While we are committed to improving the work environment, we also engage in significant projects that extend beyond corporate boundaries. From developing combat exoskeletons for the European Union to contributing to defense projects in Spain, we are taking technology to the next level to benefit society as a whole. A Future Work Environment Focused on Health and Empowerment In conclusion, at Cyber Human Systems, we are committed to changing the narrative surrounding MSDs. We aim to offer more than a solution; we want to be part of the evolution towards a work future centered on health and empowerment. We invite you to explore more about this perspective and discover how we are transforming the way we face occupational challenges. Read the full story here and join the conversation about a healthier and more sustainable work future! #OccupationalHealth #BusinessInnovation 🌐💼✨

  • Project GAIA: Advanced Technology in Fire Fighting

    In Cyber Human Systems, we take pride in presenting our flagship project, GAIA, backed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. This ambitious project aims to revolutionize the prevention, extinguishment, and reforestation of forest fires through advanced technologies, blending heritage and cutting-edge approaches. Innovative Development: Fire and Reforestation Support Exoskeleton In this project, Cyber Human Systems will develop an exoskeleton to support these tasks, both in firefighting and reforestation efforts. As a spin-off of Gogoa Mobility Robots, we inherit a strong foundation of knowledge and experience, propelling us into new frontiers of research and development. We strive to remain leaders at the intersection of biomedical engineering and applied technology, providing avant-garde solutions that make a difference in society. Current Challenge: Increasing Forest Fires In 2022, wildfires consumed 306,555 hectares, compared to 84,827 hectares in 2021 and an average of 67,000 hectares between 2006-2021, according to EFFIS (Copernicus). In response, GAIA addresses climate change, specifically forest fires, with a comprehensive approach. GAIA's Objective: Leading with Advanced Technology GAIA seeks to develop innovative technologies in the forestry sector, utilizing Artificial Intelligence and other advanced tools. This will position Spain as a leader in technological solutions for forest fire management. Focus on Advanced Technologies: AI and Machine Learning GAIA will tackle challenges with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, applied from prevention to reforestation. Key Areas of Technological Development in GAIA: Prevention: Use of machine learning algorithms to analyze large sets of forest data, facilitating data-driven decision-making. Extinguishment: Development of autonomous devices, drones, and unmanned ground vehicles, along with exoskeletons and advanced suits to enhance safety and efficiency. Reforestation: Integration of intelligent algorithm platforms for data processing and development of technological solutions for forest mass maintenance. Summary: GAIA - A Bold Step towards a Safer and Sustainable Future GAIA represents a smart and efficient approach to forest fire management. At Cyber Human Systems, we are committed to innovation and the practical application of technological solutions that make a difference in society and contribute to environmental preservation. Join us on this exciting journey toward positive change. #AdvancedForestTechnology #EnvironmentalInnovation #FirePrevention #TechnologicalSustainability #AIforReforestation - GAIA: Technology in the Fight Against Fires

  • How Industrial Exoskeletons Solve Work Shortage Problems and Optimise Productivity

    In recent times, we have witnessed a concerning increase in employee absenteeism within companies. This phenomenon not only impacts productivity but also the health and well-being of employees. In this context, ergonomics in the workplace emerges as a key factor in addressing this issue comprehensively. Ergonomics is not just about comfortable chairs and adjustable desks; it is a science that seeks to adapt work to the worker, optimizing the design of workstations to improve efficiency and prevent injuries. In this regard, companies are increasingly turning to innovative solutions, and one of the most notable is the adoption of industrial exoskeletons. How Do Exoskeletons Improve Workplace Ergonomics? Industrial exoskeletons are devices designed to provide support and enhance the mobility of workers. These devices can reduce the strain on specific muscles, improve posture, and minimize the risk of injuries related to repetitive movements. By incorporating this technology, companies are taking a significant step toward creating safer and healthier work environments. Tangible Benefits for Companies and Employees 1. Increased Production Efficiency: Exoskeletons enable workers to perform physical tasks more efficiently and without fatigue, resulting in faster and more effective production. 2. Cost Reduction: The decrease in absenteeism and the increase in productivity directly translate into significant savings for companies, contributing to long-term financial sustainability. 3. Improvement of Health and Well-being: By facilitating more natural movements and reducing body strain, exoskeletons contribute to the overall health of employees, creating a more positive and satisfying work environment. 4. Promotion of Talent Retention: The adoption of innovative technologies, such as exoskeletons, sends a clear message to employees: the company cares about their well-being and is committed to creating optimal working conditions. A Sustainable Future of Work Investing in workplace ergonomics through technologies like exoskeletons is not only a smart business strategy but also a moral responsibility. As companies move towards more efficient and healthy work environments, they are building a more sustainable future of work for all. In conclusion, the adoption of industrial exoskeletons is a crucial step toward improving workplace ergonomics and reducing absenteeism. In doing so, companies not only optimize their operational performance but also invest in the most valuable asset of any organization: its human talent. In a world where health and efficiency are priorities, industrial exoskeletons stand as indispensable allies in the evolution of modern work environments. #WorkplaceErgonomics #WorkplaceTechnology #IndustrialExoskeletons #WorkplaceWellbeing #SustainableProductivity - Exoesqueletos Industriales Resuelven Bajas Laborales

  • Tenth DESEi+d Congress on Military Technology: Cyber Human Systems Unveils GUDEX in Cartagena

    In the latest chapter of our technological journey, Cyber Human Systems (CHS) has made its mark at the Tenth DESEi+d Congress of R&D in the military sector, currently taking place in the iconic city of Cartagena. This annual event has emerged as a beacon for innovation in defense and security in Spain. At the center of attention is GUDEX, our latest achievement in the field of military technology. This meticulously designed exoskeleton stands as a masterpiece of engineering aimed at transforming the experience of soldiers on the battlefield. But what makes GUDEX so exceptional? 💡 Cutting-Edge Artificial Muscles: GUDEX incorporates "artificial muscles" with hydropneumatic cylinders and variable deformation elastomers, redefining the mobility and endurance of military personnel. 🔗 Seamless Integration: From lifting and transporting heavy loads to reducing fatigue and physical stress during marches, GUDEX is designed to be the perfect extension of the soldier on the battlefield. 🌐 Redefined Safety: Not only does it support the weight of the backpack during marches, but it also stabilizes tools, loads, and weapons, improving shooting accuracy and reducing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. 🚀 Mobility and Performance: With marching speeds of up to 10 km/h and the option to monitor the physical condition of the soldier, GUDEX not only protects but also enhances operational performance. This congress, held at the Marine Infantry School 'General Albacete y Fuster,' is a forum where CHS has had the privilege to connect with industry leaders, experts, and visionaries in the field of military technology. Thanks to all participants and collaborators for making this event a testament to innovation and progress. CHS remains steadfast in our commitment to driving change in the military sector and contributing to a technologically safer and advanced tomorrow. Keep exploring with us! 👏🌐 #CHSInnovations #DESEi+d #GUDEX #MilitaryTechnology #DefensiveInnovation - Tenth DESEi+d Congress on Military Technology: Cyber Human Systems Unveils GUDEX in Cartagena

  • Transforming the construction industry with exoskeletons: our participation at BIMTECNIA

    It is a pleasure to share with you our outstanding participation in BIMTECNIA 2023, where we proudly showcased our innovative exoskeleton technology designed to revolutionize the construction industry. At Cyber Human Systems, we are dedicated to the safety and well-being of workers in the construction sector, and we understand the challenges and rigorous conditions they face daily. The construction industry is renowned for being one of the most demanding in terms of working conditions and safety. In this context, we have developed a solution that not only makes a difference in the present but also lays the foundation for a safer and more efficient future. Our exoskeletons are designed with a clear purpose: to reduce workplace accident rates, prevent musculoskeletal disorders, and enhance human capabilities. These innovative tools provide additional physical support to workers, resulting in injury prevention and reduced fatigue. Imagine your teams working with renewed strength and endurance, performing demanding tasks safely and efficiently. Our vision is to transform the construction industry, making each construction site a safer and more productive environment. CHS exoskeletons represent the future of occupational safety in the construction sector. If you would like to learn more about how our solutions can make a significant difference in your companies, we invite you to visit our website at the provided link and discover how we are committed to a safer and more efficient future in construction. Together, we are building a safer and more prosperous future. Join us in this exciting transformation. #Exoskeletons #OccupationalSafety #Productivity #Innovation #Construction #CHS #Technology #BIMTECNIA2023

  • CHS participates in the Technical Conference on Exoskeletons, organized by Mutualia

    Great news! We want to share with all of you how our participation in the Exoskeleton Technical Day, organized by Mutualia, went today in Bilbao, Bizkaia. It was an event filled with learning and inspiration, and we are excited to share all the details with you. 🚀 Our presentation by Juan Izeta, Director of Business Development at Cyber Human Systems, was a resounding success. Titled "Cyber Human Systems: Success Stories in Companies," the session delved deep into the fascinating world of exoskeletons, from their definition to the impactful benefits they offer to companies in different industries. The audience was delighted with the shared insights and success stories. 💼 The event brought together prominent experts in the field, such as Mercedes Sanchis Almenara from the Institute of Biomechanics (IBV) and Leire Martínez Beitia from TECNALIA Research & Innovation. Their presentations and knowledge added invaluable value to the event, providing a holistic view of exoskeletons and their role in improving occupational ergonomics. 🛠️ Additionally, we had the opportunity to showcase our industrial exoskeletons in the exhibition, where attendees could get up close to our products and experience how they can enhance human capabilities, reduce workplace injuries, and prevent musculoskeletal problems in demanding work environments. At Cyber Human Systems, we take pride in leading the revolution in robotics and biomedical engineering in Spain and being the only company in the country specializing in the design and development of exoskeletons for the industry. Numerous companies from various sectors have already adopted our products and are experiencing positive results in terms of efficiency and worker well-being. We want to extend our gratitude to all the attendees, speakers, and collaborators for making this event such a success. The exoskeleton revolution in occupational ergonomics and work efficiency continues to advance, and we are thrilled to be part of this exciting journey. If you'd like to learn more about our industrial exoskeletons and how they can benefit your company, we invite you to visit our website at the following link: [Link to the website]. Don't miss out on this revolution! #Exoskeletons #Technology #Ergonomics #OccupationalHazards #InjuryPrevention #PPE #CyberHumanSystems #Mutualia

  • Cyber Human Systems takes center stage at cutting-edge defense tech event

    In a resounding triumph for innovation and advancement in military technology, Cyber Human Systems made an indelible mark at the "Human-Machine Interfaces and Gaming Technologies in Defence" event, a groundbreaking gathering held on September 26th and 27th in the vibrant city of Zagreb, Croatia. This landmark event, co-organized by the Croatian Defense Industry Competitiveness Cluster and the European Commission, is set to reshape the landscape of military technology as we know it. Leading the Way with GUDEX Exoskeleton At this pivotal assembly of minds, Cyber Human Systems took center stage during a pivotal panel discussion, where we unveiled our groundbreaking creation – the GUDEX exoskeleton. A true game-changer in military technology, GUDEX represents a giant leap forward, purposefully designed to cater to the specific needs of Spain's Ministry of Defence (Ministerio de Defensa) for Force 2035. This robotic, modular, and intelligent exoskeleton has been meticulously engineered to mitigate the risk of muscular injuries associated with military duties. Beyond injury prevention, GUDEX enhances the physical capabilities of our courageous servicemen and women, making it an indispensable asset for the future of European defense. Spectacular Live Demonstrations But our contributions didn't stop at the panel discussion. Cyber Human Systems also played a prominent role in awe-inspiring live demonstrations that showcased the latest in human-machine interface technologies and gaming innovations. These demonstrations featured an impressive array of cutting-edge advancements, including robotic vehicles, exoskeletons, drones, and much more. The Significance of Digital Technologies in Defense The event served as an exemplary platform to examine the effective integration of digital technologies in defense and their potential advantages on the battlefield. A particular emphasis was placed on human-machine interfaces and gaming technologies, which hold paramount importance for military simulations and training. The event underscored the significance of dual-use technologies, which have applications extending to both security and defense sectors. Leaders in European Military Technology Our participation in these influential discussions and live demonstrations solidifies our standing as leaders in European military technology. At Cyber Human Systems, our commitment to innovation within the domain of human-machine interfaces remains unwavering. GUDEX, in particular, serves as a tangible testament to our dedication to enhancing the safety and efficiency of armed forces across Europe. A Bright Future: The ACHILE Project But the story doesn't end here. We are thrilled to announce our involvement in the ACHILE project, funded by the European Defence Fund. This venture positions us as key contributors to the development of the future combat exoskeleton for the European Union, heralding a fresh milestone in European defense and further cementing our status as frontrunners in military technology. Committed to a Bright Future Our determination to forge ahead with our mission to infuse innovation into defense remains steadfast. We are brimming with excitement about the thrilling prospects the future holds. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support on this exhilarating journey. Stay tuned for more updates on our endeavors in #MilitaryTechnology, #Innovation, #ProjectACHILE, and #GUDEX! With Cyber Human Systems at the forefront, the future of European defense looks brighter than ever. #CyberHumanSystems #EU

  • Transforming safety at work in the podcast by Enrique Rodal Montero

    You can't miss this exciting episode of Enrique Rodal Montero's podcast on Radio Euskadi! In this special episode, we delve into the exciting mission of Cyber Human Systems and our revolutionary technology that is changing the way we look at workplace safety. Carlos Fernandez Isoird and Javi Finez will guide you through a fascinating journey where we explore how our innovative solutions, such as exoskeletons, are transforming the world of work. At Cyber Human Systems, our mission is to drive a safer and more efficient world of work through technology. The exoskeletons we develop are a clear example of our commitment to this cause. We are at the forefront of preventing workplace accidents and improving the quality of life of workers. If you are interested in innovation in occupational safety and technology that makes a difference, this programme is a unique opportunity to learn about our work and vision. Don't miss this episode full of knowledge and passion for the technology that is changing the workplace industry - join us on this journey to a safer and more productive future! Technology #Innovation #Safety #Security #Work #Industry #Working #QualityOfLife

  • ExoRescue: The New Technological Breakthrough for Rescue Teams Featured on EITB

    We are excited to present our new exoskeleton, ExoRescue, on Teleberri de EITB today, July 10th! In Cyber Human Systems, an engineering company from Biscay and a spin-off of Gogoa Mobility Robots, we have designed a modular exoskeleton that provides support to rescue and emergency teams. This innovative exoskeleton, made with materials such as anodized aeronautical aluminum and carbon fiber, is the first European device of its kind. It has been successfully tested by the Valencia Fire Consortium in various operations, validating its features and performance. ExoRescue is the result of years of meticulous development and collaboration with renowned institutions such as the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) and the Institute of Biomechanics (IBV) in Valencia. It incorporates geared motors, sensors, and AI-based control systems, allowing users to effortlessly lift loads of up to 40 kilograms. Our team of engineers has worked hard to manufacture ExoRescue in Euskadi, using innovative materials and collaborating with local suppliers. Its modular design offers flexibility and versatility to users. In addition to its ability to effortlessly unload up to 40 kilograms of weight to the ground, ExoRescue also provides assistance in handling loads of up to 25 kilograms with both hands, or 12.5 kilograms with a single hand. This amplifies the rescuer's strength and facilitates tasks such as transporting injured individuals or removing heavy objects. We have worked closely with rescue teams and firefighters, who have provided valuable feedback and contributions to improve ExoRescue and tailor it to their specific needs. Successful tests have been carried out by the Valencia Fire Consortium, and soon, Swiss mountain rescue teams will also test this exoskeleton for several weeks. At Cyber Human Systems, we remain committed to innovation and continuous improvement. We plan to add new functionalities to ExoRescue before its official launch, such as augmented reality systems to facilitate object identification in rescue situations. We will also explore the incorporation of load cells to assess the weight to be displaced and lifted. ExoRescue joins our wide range of exoskeletons developed by Cyber Human Systems. In addition to this rescue device, we have created specialized products for different segments, such as the GUDEX exoskeleton for the military field, and EXOSOFT, EXOARMS, and EXOSHOULDER for the industry. We are proud to have developed ExoRescue in collaboration with renowned institutions and to have received support from the 2i program of Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia. We thank everyone who has been part of this project. #ExoRescue #Rescue #Firefighters #Technology #Exoskeletons #ArtificialIntelligence #Robots

  • Exosoft: Scientific study reveals effectiveness of ergonomic lumbar support exoskeleton

    We now have the results of the most recent scientific study on our ergonomic lumbar support exoskeleton, Exosoft! We are sharing the results of our scientific study conducted as part of the EXOSASUN project. This study gives us detailed insight into the effectiveness and benefits of Exosoft, our lumbar support exoskeleton. Low back pain is a common concern in the workplace and can have a negative impact on employee productivity and well-being. For this reason, we have developed Exosoft, a textile lumbar support exoskeleton that uses variable deformation elastomers to provide assistance during movements involving the lower back. The results of our study are promising. During lifting and lowering tasks, Exosoft was shown to reduce erector spinae (ES) muscle activity by an average of 30%, with reductions ranging from 23% to 43%. In addition, in tilt tasks, a 20% reduction in ES activity was observed. These decreases in muscle activity may contribute to a reduction in fatigue and improve safety and efficiency on the job. Based on participant ratings, our exoskeleton was perceived as useful to a moderate to considerable degree. This supports our vision of providing an appropriate balance between comfort and long-term lumbar protection. Weighing only 0.8 kg, Exosoft stands out as the lightest and most versatile exoskeleton on the market. It offers variable support from 7 to 15 kg through the use of three interchangeable elastomers with different levels of assistance. At Cyber Human Systems, we are committed to developing innovative ergonomic solutions that improve people's quality of life in demanding work environments. This scientific study represents an important step in our mission to reduce work absences, prevent musculoskeletal disorders and enhance human capabilities. We are satisfied with the results and will continue to research and improve our solutions in the future. If you would like to learn more about our scientific study or our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we are transforming the way workers interact with their environment and improving their well-being in the workplace. Join us on this journey to a safer and healthier working future. #Exosoft #ErgonomicExoskeleton #WorkInnovation #WellBeingAtWork

  • ExoRescue: Transforming the Future of Critical Rescue Tasks

    We are excited to share the latest advancements from Cyber Human Systems in the field of rescue technology. As a spin-off of Gogoa Mobility Robots, we have been working diligently alongside the Provincial Fire Consortium of Valencia in the development of a revolutionary exoskeleton for emergency rescue tasks. Under the ExoRescue project, as part of the prestigious Eurostars program, we have led the design and development of a full-body modular exoskeleton, aiming to enhance the performance of brave members of rescue services in critical situations. And the results are astonishing! Our focus is on creating a flexible, modular, and intelligent solution that reduces effort and facilitates key tasks performed during rescue operations. Working closely with the Biomechanics Institute of Valencia and with the valuable participation of the Provincial Fire Consortium of Valencia, we have identified the fundamental needs and requirements to create a high-performance exoskeleton. But that's not all. Our project has transcended borders and attracted international attention. We are pleased to announce our collaboration with SUPSI Scuola Universitaria della Svizzera italiana and the Swiss mountain rescue services, who are about to test our equipment in real-life situations. It is an unprecedented collaboration that will allow us to bring our innovations to challenging environments! After intensive testing sessions with the brave firefighters of the Catarroja Fire Station, we have obtained valuable feedback that has further improved the exoskeleton's design. We are determined to ensure that our final product is genuinely effective and capable of making a significant difference in emergency rescue tasks. At Cyber Human Systems, we are committed to innovation and the development of technologies that have a positive impact on society. Our high-tech exoskeleton is just the beginning of our mission to provide cutting-edge solutions that enhance the well-being and safety of individuals in critical moments. We are excited about what the future holds, and we will continue to advance towards a safer and more resilient world! #RescueTechnology #TechnologicalInnovation #HumanSafety #HighTechExoskeleton #InternationalCollaboration

  • Revitalizing the military: Our leading role in Workshop "19" FORCE 2035!

    We are pleased to share exciting news about our participation in the Workshop with Companies "19" FUERZA 2035 - Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Robotics (IAA&R) organised by the Procurement Directorate of the Army Logistics Support Command (MALE)! The event took place on 21 June 2023 at the "Príncipe" Base (BRIPAC) in Paracuellos del Jarama, Madrid. On behalf of Cyber Human Systems, we were honoured to have the assistance of our CTO, Juantxu Martin, and our Mechanical Design Manager, Miguel Aguilar. Both actively collaborated in this key workshop that addressed the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence, automation and robotics in the military field. During the event, we proudly presented our most recent achievement: GUDEX, the first combat exoskeleton for the Spanish Ministry of Defence's Force 2035. GUDEX is a semi-active modular exoskeleton designed to allow combatants to support loads of up to 40 kg during marches, reducing fatigue and improving mobility on the battlefield. Our team of experts has been working hard for more than a year to make this combat exoskeleton a reality, marking a new era in soldier protection and performance. The Workshop with Companies "19" FUERZA 2035 was an invaluable space to bring the technological possibilities of the national market closer to the needs identified in the development of the Force 35 (F35) concept. In addition, practical activities and demonstrations were carried out that will boost the development of the MADOC and FUTER Experimentation Plan (PLEX), and the technologies and tools necessary to achieve the capabilities envisaged in the Force 35 in different time horizons were explored. We would like to express our gratitude to the Acquisition Directorate of the Army Logistic Support Command and the General Sub-Directorate of Planning, Technology and Innovation of the General Directorate of Armament and Material for organising this important workshop and allowing us to be part of this initiative so relevant to the future of the Armed Forces. At Cyber Human Systems, we remain committed to driving innovation and technological development to contribute to the safety and effectiveness of our military forces. We are excited for what the future holds and look forward to sharing more achievements and advancements with you all. #GUDEX #CombatExoskeleton #Force2035 #MilitaryTechnology #Innovation #CyberHumanSystems

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