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  • Exoskeletons from Cyber Human Systems revolutionize French agriculture!

    The revolution of exoskeletons has reached French agriculture! Recently, the prominent public channel TF1 aired a report highlighting the transformative impact of Cyber Human Systems' exoskeletons in the oyster farming sector. In the program, our innovative ExoSoft exoskeleton was showcased, successfully tested by Laurent Chaboussie, one of the oyster farmers in the region. Thanks to ExoSoft, Laurent has been able to alleviate the physical and repetitive burden of his daily work, which involves flipping around 2,500 oyster bags, each weighing at least eight kilograms. This technological advancement has revolutionized Laurent's work, making him more efficient and reducing physical fatigue and exhaustion. The collaboration with HBR Innovation, led by CEO Beatrice Dalzovo, has been instrumental in creating this valuable opportunity for Cyber Human Systems in the oyster farming and distribution sector in France. Their expertise and innovative vision have paved the way to bring the benefits of exoskeletons to farmers and workers in the industry. The news has generated significant interest throughout the agricultural community, offering a concrete solution to address labor challenges and improve working conditions in such a demanding sector as oyster farming. With the implementation of exoskeletons, a reduction in work-related injuries and increased efficiency in daily tasks are expected in the agricultural sector. Cyber Human Systems continues to lead the forefront of exoskeleton technology, providing devices tailored to the specific needs of each job position. We are committed to developing innovative solutions that enhance the quality of life for workers and promote productivity in the agricultural industry. #Exoskeletons #AgriculturalInnovation #OccupationalHealth #TMSPrevention #Productivity

  • Cyber Human Systems revolutionizes occupational safety at the Prevencia 2023 Congress.

    Today, Cyber Human Systems will be giving a presentation at the Prevencia 2023 Congress, which will take place in Santiago de Compostela. We will be sharing our experiences in applying technology to workplace safety and health. In this presentation, we will discuss the use of exoskeletons to minimize physical strain in the workplace. We are committed to seeking innovative solutions that improve the quality of life for workers and promote safer work environments. I am pleased to announce that our CTO, Juantxu Martin, will be delivering this presentation on behalf of our company. His expertise and knowledge in the field of technology applied to occupational safety and health will be of great value to all attendees. We would like to thank Ibermutua for inviting us to participate in this prestigious event. The XIII Edition of the Prevencia Congress focuses on the exchange of experiences and knowledge to analyze the current situation of occupational safety and health in response to new forms of work and technological advances. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the General Secretariat of OISS for their support in promoting this event. We also thank the Xunta de Galicia and the SPANISH AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION - AECID for their collaboration in organizing this congress. If you are in Santiago de Compostela, we invite you to join us at the Prevencia 2023 Congress today at 18:00, where you can learn more about our experiences and how technology can contribute to workplace safety and health. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing inspiring ideas! 💡🌟 #Prevencia2023 #OccupationalSafety #AppliedTechnology #Exoskeletons #WorkplaceHealth #Innovation

  • The GUDEX Exoskeleton debuts at FEINDEF: Redefining Military Technology

    At Cyber Human Systems, we are thrilled to have presented our revolutionary GUDEX exoskeleton at the prestigious Defense and Security Fair of Spain, FEINDEF. Based in Abadiño (Bizkaia), this impressive technological achievement has captured the attention of experts and industry enthusiasts at the event held in Madrid. During this process, we have closely collaborated with important Spanish companies such as FECSA, a renowned manufacturer of anti-fragmentation vests, the Basque technological center CEIT, specialized in the industrial field, and the firm YUMA, known for its combat backpacks. Thanks to this collaboration, we have managed to combine our expertise in mobility and exoskeleton solutions with the specialized knowledge of our partners. GUDEX has been developed with a budget close to half a million euros and backed by the Ministry of Defense. This exoskeleton is specifically designed for soldiers, providing them with an unprecedented advantage in terms of mobility, endurance, and shooting accuracy. With a passive structure that allows lifting heavy loads and active arms equipped with batteries, motors, and sensors, the device allows soldiers to walk with backpacks weighing up to 40 kilograms without hardly noticing their weight. In addition, the arms can lift loads of up to 20 kilograms effortlessly, improving efficiency and performance on the battlefield. GUDEX is a robotic and modular device, manufactured with advanced materials such as aerospace aluminum, carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, and steel parts. It is surprisingly lightweight, with the lower part supporting the backpack and back weighing only three kilograms. Furthermore, its "ruggedized" design ensures resistance to impacts and harsh weather conditions, while protecting the neck from possible injuries and reducing arm fatigue. At Cyber Human Systems, we also care about the health and well-being of our soldiers. That's why we have equipped the exoskeleton with sensors that monitor various physiological variables, allowing precise real-time tracking of health and fatigue. This helps optimize performance and minimize risks during operations. Following successful tests conducted by the Paratrooper Brigade, we are currently working on the final version of GUDEX, which will undergo rigorous testing and certifications before March next year. We hope that this pioneering technology can be adopted by our armed forces in the near future, thus enhancing their capability and effectiveness on the battlefield. At Cyber Human Systems, we are committed to excellence and innovation. We will continue pushing the boundaries of technology to improve people's lives and contribute to the progress of society. #CyberHumanSystems #Gudex #MilitaryExoskeleton #AdvancedTechnology #Innovation

  • ExoArms, the Future of the Oyster Industry: How Exoskeletons are Revolutionizing Work

    Exciting news! Our revolutionary ExoArms exoskeleton is making waves in the industry and has been featured on France.TV. In a recent report on oyster farmers, the physical challenges and musculoskeletal disorders they face in their daily work were explored. Fortunately, our exoskeleton is here to make a difference. Oyster farmers face demanding tasks, from lifting kilos of oysters to sorting hundreds of shells, which can eventually cause pain and disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome. But thanks to the Mutualité Sociale Agricole, they are actively testing innovative solutions like ExoArms by Cyber Human Systems. This ergonomic exoskeleton has been specifically designed to mitigate physical loads and repetitive movements that can strain the body. By providing support and relieving arm weight, ExoArms offers greater comfort and freedom of movement, reducing the risk of injuries and musculoskeletal disorders. Laurent Chabouisse, an employee of the "lycée de la mer" and an oyster farmer in Bourcefranc-le-Chapus, shared his testimony: "The spring effect relieves the weight of the arm, and in this case, I have no discomfort in my movements. In fact, I have no movement restrictions, so it's really comfortable." As mentioned in the France.TV report, oyster farmers have experienced a shift in their industry due to mechanization, leading to less varied tasks and increased physical strain. However, thanks to collaboration with MSA Charentes and the enthusiasm of the workers, we are on track to provide effective solutions. HBR INNOVATION, under the leadership of its CEO Beatrice Dalzovo, has played a key role in generating this valuable opportunity in the oyster farming and distribution sector in France for Cyber Human Systems. Our team takes pride in working closely with the marine school in Bourcefranc-le-Chapus to gather valuable user feedback. We are committed to continuous improvement and validation of the benefits of the exoskeleton, ensuring it fits perfectly with the needs and demands of oyster farmers and other professionals facing similar challenges. We are excited about the positive impact ExoArms is having on the lives of oyster farmers and other industries facing similar challenges. Furthermore, we will continue working hard to bring this cutting-edge technology to more people, improving quality of life and occupational safety. If you want to learn more about our ExoArms exoskeleton and how it is transforming the industry, feel free to contact us or visit our website. Together, we are creating a future where technology and biomechanics merge to overcome physical challenges and enhance our working lives! 💪🤖 #ExoArms #Technology #InnovativeIndustry #WorkImprovement #OccupationalSafety #TechnologicalInnovation #OysterFarmers #FranceTV #MSACharentes #BourcefrancleChapus

  • GUDEX: The first Spanish combat exoskeleton that will revolutionise modern warfare

    The skills we have acquired through years of research and development have led us to enter the complex and demanding world of the military sector. From our company, Cyber Human Systems, we are proud to announce that we are currently involved in the creation of the first combat exoskeleton for the Spanish Ministry of Defence force 2035. This innovative project, named GUDEX, has been conceived to significantly improve soldiers' capabilities on the battlefield, providing them with a crucial advantage in terms of mobility and endurance. Last Friday 21st April, several members of our team had the opportunity to attend the Information Days for military personnel at the Oroel Base (Jaca), in which innovative and disruptive aspects of application to the Armed Forces were discussed. During this event, we were pleased to have had the opportunity to present the progress we have made in the development of the GUDEX exoskeleton. This cutting-edge technology, designed with the highest quality and precision, represents a true revolution in the field of modern warfare. We are honoured to have been invited to participate in this event and look forward to continuing to work closely with military personnel to further advance the creation of cutting-edge technologies that contribute to the security and defence of our country. #militarytechnology #exoskeletons #force2035 #militaryinnovation #InformativeDays

  • CTO of Gogoa Mobility Robots to participate in expert panel on exoskeletons at ORP2023

    We are thrilled to announce the participation of Juantxu Martin, CTO of Gogoa Mobility Robots, as a speaker on the expert panel at the 23rd International Congress ORP, which will take place at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao (Spain) on April 26th, 27th, and 28th, 2023. Mr. Martin will be part of the expert panel in charge of leading the Exoskeleton Experiential Workshop. He will share this panel with other renowned professionals in the field of ergonomics and biomechanics, such as Gustavo Rosal López, representative of the Spanish Ergonomics Association (Spain); Alicia Piedrabuena Cuesta, from the Institute of Biomechanics (IBV) (Spain); Ricardo Masián Bessard, from Internaco Group S.A. (Spain); and Bernat Graupera Sanz, from Healthy Technical Suits (Spain). The participation of such distinguished experts promises an enriching and informative discussion for all attendees of the event. During the expert panel, the vital need to create ergonomic standards for the implementation of exoskeletons in the workplace, a topic of great importance today, will be addressed. This debate will take place on April 26th, 2023, in room 1B of the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. It is worth noting that the International Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) Foundation is an international, independent, and non-profit institution committed to improving the quality of working life and business innovation. The foundation promotes studies, meetings, seminars, summer schools, symposia, congresses, and training plans that allow for the promotion of different economic sectors and contribute to improving the productivity and competitiveness of the business fabric and the quality of working life. We invite you to join us at this important event: #ORP2023 #ORP #exoskeletons #ergonomics #biomechanics #bilbao #robots

  • MonitorEX: Ergonomics and Physiological Monitoring Module for Exoskeleton Users

    Cyber Human Systems, Gogoa Mobility Robots' spin-off, is proud to announce its participation in the MonitorEX project, funded by the European Commission under the SHOP4CF initiative. As a leading provider of innovative solutions for ergonomic exoskeletons, Gogoa group brings its expertise in the field to this groundbreaking project. The project will be a joint effort between Gogoa Mobility Robots and CEIT, a renowned research center with extensive experience in the fields of robotics and ergonomics analysis. By combining their expertise, the two organizations are poised to make a significant impact on the future of industrial work. The objective of MonitorEx is to develop a software module that can analyze from an ergonomics and physiological point of view the appropriate behavior of the worker wearing an exoskeleton. Exoskeletons can support workers in heavy and non-ergonomic tasks, but there is a lack of software that can evaluate the ergonomics and health condition of the user. The project will instrument a remote and real-time monitoring system that consists of a set of commercial and low-cost sensors embedded in the exoskeleton structure, for ergonomics and health monitoring in daily industrial tasks. Additionally, a new SHOP4CF component (called MonitorEX) will be developed to evaluate the ergonomics and physiological condition of an exoskeleton’s user handling heavy loads or working under non-ergonomic postures, testing it in industrial use-cases. The proposed component combines both the ergonomics analysis and the physiological condition of the user to evaluate the need and proper application of exoskeletons. Gogoa Mobility Robots is excited to be at the forefront of this disruptive technology and is committed to continuing to develop innovative solutions for the future. #exoskeletons #ergonomics #industrialinnovation #SHOP4CF #EuropeanCommission


    Cyber Human Systems is in full "Portugal Tour"! On this occasion, we participate in the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPETITIVENESS AND INNOVATION, presenting our work and exposing our innovative industrial exoskeletons. IÑIGO URKIDI oversees sharing our experience in improving the quality of life of workers with different Portuguese associations and companies. Our goal is to raise awareness of how industrial exoskeletons can improve work efficiency and prevent injuries, we are excited to be part of this initiative and hope to continue making a difference in the lives of Portuguese workers! The 4INOVA2 is a joint initiative of the Business Associations Nerga | Associação Empresarial da Região da Guarda, AEBB - Associação Empresarial da Beira Baixa, AIRV and NERVIR, aiming to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of SMEs in the project's target territory through the development of innovation activities. The conference aims to share good national and international innovation practices and present the Portugal 2030 Incentive Schemes, among other topics. #industrialexoskeletons #Portugal #qualityoflife #injuryprevention #innovation #SMEs


    Cyber Human Systems, the only manufacturer of industrial exoskeletons in Spain, is excited to announce that we are expanding our international reach with a tour of Portugal. In collaboration with AEBB - Associação Empresarial da Beira Baixa, we are introducing our products to the Portuguese market and promoting their use to reduce sick leave, prevent musculoskeletal disorders and increase human capabilities. This tour is an excellent opportunity to present our industrial exoskeletons to a wider audience and demonstrate how they can improve the health and safety of workers in various industrial sectors. We look forward to exploring new business partnerships and establishing long-lasting relationships with Portuguese companies that share our vision of improving the quality of working life. In summary, we are very pleased to start this tour of Portugal and look forward to working with AEBB and other key market players to bring our industrial exoskeletons to a wider audience. Together, we are committed to leading the ergonomics revolution and improving the working lives of workers around the world. #IndustrialExoskeleton #Portugal #Ergonomics #Health #QualityofWorkingLife #Exoskeletonsindustriais #BaixaLaboral


    We have excellent news to share! Serveo (Ferrovial - Michelin) incorporates Cyber Human Systems' Exosoft, our ergonomic textile exoskeleton with lumbar support designed to improve the quality of life of workers in maintenance, logistics and production tasks. Exosoft is the lightest and most versatile exoskeleton on the market, weighing only 0.8 kg. It features "artificial muscles" made of elastomers with variable deformation that provide advanced support and prevent injury to the workers' lower back. It also offers a perfect balance between comfort and long-term lumbar protection. Another key feature of Exosoft is its ability to provide variable support between 7 and 15 kg, thanks to three interchangeable elastomers with different levels of support. This allows the amount of lumbar support to be adjusted according to the specific needs of each worker. We are excited to see how Serveo, Ferrovial and Michelin are using Exosoft to improve the quality of life of their workers and prevent workplace injuries. We hope that many other companies will join the initiative to implement this innovative technology and improve working conditions for their employees. For more information on how Exosoft can benefit your company, please visit our website at Thank you for your attention and do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions! #exoskeleton #exoskeleton #occupationalrisks #occupationallowdowns #industry #logistics #maintenance #production

  • Los exoesqueletos multiplican su red de seguridad

    Una de las ventajas que aportan los exoesqueletos industriales es que son un soporte para el trabajador, ya que le sigue en los movimientos y aporta fuerza para sujetar o levantar desde el suelo cualquier material, por lo que reduce la carga y entre un 20%-30% el consumo energético del trabajador, lo que se traduce en un beneficio directo para la salud del empleado, ya que se lesiona menos, explica el CEO Carlos Fernádez de Cyber Human Systems. Lee la noticia completa en: click

  • Exosoft - exoesqueleto textil lumbar

    Hemos estado trabajando en un nuevo modelo de exoesqueleto, sin motores, baterías ni mecanismos. Exosoft es la nueva generación de exoesqueletos, más ligero, ágil y adaptable a cualquier actividad. ¡Pronto más novedades!

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